Much progress in spite of the rain!

Julian and I had grand plans for the five plus days he was here to work on “The Farm.” But 2.5 inches of rain fell slowly, but for most of daylight hours of three of those days, added greatly to our challenge. Yet two major new construction projects were completed in grand style and lots of weeding and planting occurred as well. The new grape arbor and planting of four varieties of grapes vines purchased down Ferry Road at Moody’s Nursery have to take the visual prize for the end of May. The eight foot cedar posts are solidly in the ground and three lines of wires for the vines to climb on are in place. The four varieties planted are: Concord Seedless (purple) and Reliance Seedless (red) will be especially tasty for jams, jellies, juice and eating; Marquette (red) and Edelweiss (white) will be potential wine grapes.

The next big construction project was to stabilize and re-roof the Sanborn shed so we can use it for equipment and tools needed for the Field Garden and keep fewer things in the garage like the riding mower and snow blower. Julian worked especially hard, spending much time on the roof nailing the OSB boards in place and then covering and securing the rolled roofing paper. The finished effort is of great benefit already for so much gardening activity now occurs on the Sanborn farm land in the orchard, and Field Garden so now equipment is handy. The shed also offer a shelter place to sit and relax and watch the garden grow.

The first twenty tomato plans are in the ground! Many, many new plants including peppers, cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, herbs and perennial and annual flowers are now in the ground as well. The first planting by seeds of sweet corn, sunflowers and many marigolds surrounding the tomatoes was also accomplished.

Enough words… enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing job guys! I can't believe how skinny you are pops!

