The green house is now full of seedlings. I moved all indoor seed plantings from the house to the green house in the Field Garden and planted several more trays of flower seed plantings and more veggies. The weather has been great and the May full moon has now occurred so there is almost no chance of another frost. It is now time to plant directly some corn, sunflowers, the first bean plantings and the 2nd planting of lettuce, carrots, beets and more peas.
I constructed a couple of new trellis structures for the pole green beans and pole Lima beans. I prepared the large tomato bed in the field garden with 40 tomato cages and did my grand experiment with cardboard/paper and compost to suppress weed growth between the tomato plants. I will surround the tomato bed with a thick planting of marigolds. I do not believe in rototilling the soil and so hope that this works. Tilling adds to one's carbon footprint and also destroys the worms tunneling in the soil. The cardboard/newspaper and composting/mulching encourages even more worm activity. Tilling also stirs up weed seeds that are always lurking in the soil.
I was able to have the first meal of delicious asparagus and noted that the recent potato plantings have already shown signs of growth. The dwarf peach tree is full of blooms so it might be that this tree, the newest of the mini-orchard, might yield the most fruit this season!
can't wait to get up there!