I thought I would post a few images from the 2008 mid-summer Raised Bed Garden and will soon post some images of its current state with little visible plantings as yet. This Raised Bed Garden is the primary veggie garden that was started in a very modest way the first summer here, in 2003. There are now 20 wooden framed raised beds. Two beds in the middle are permanent herb beds; two others have strawberries and one other bed has rhubarb and asparagus. The remaining 15 beds are planted each year with a mixture of veggies and flowers. On the border of the garden are two rows of high bush blueberry bushes, 18 in total. On the back side there are six dwarf fruit trees that may well produce a bit of fruit this year on some of them. The last image I am posting is the grand view of the garden taken a few years ago on a misty day.
pretty glads! can't wait to see this years joy.