April Fool's Day -- What a Joke!

Well...I guess winter decided to play an April Fool's Joke on us today. The pictures below were taken this morning simply by opening the doors and snapping the images. The first one is almost a duplicate of the shot from the deck door taken in February and the front door image shows the temperature this morning as well. It is a heavy wet snow that is expected to bring 3-6 inches of it right along the Maine coast but then turn to rain.  I refuse to shovel it so will await the transistion of warming, melting weather over the weekend. I put my snow blower away weeks ago!

I have started some seeds indoors already but not too many as there clearly will be a slower arrival this year of good gardening weater compared to last year. The temperatures of late have been fairly brisk, only 30-40 degrees most days with a fair amount of sunshine. Before today's snowfall there were only a few snow piles remainig to melt.  I have been focused on wood cutting, spliting and stacking...for next winter's supply. This is the right kind of weather to work on that strenuous task. Very little other outdoor work has been attempted yet other than some raking on parts of the lawn, removing debris from the winter. I have still not uncovered the flowerbeds of leaves and mulch as it is just too cold to expose the beginning flower growth. Only a few crocuses are blooming and the daffodils and tulips have a long way to go before they bloom;.spring is sure slow to greet me this year!

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